Sunday, July 11, 2010

Internship with Judge - June-July 2010 : Status = DONE.

Internship with In-House Counsel - July 2010-August 2010: Status = START.

Updates later. Been watching every episode in Entourage. <---Great motivation for life in general. I haven't felt this innovative since I worked for Capital Metro.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


i hit some sweet jumps today at keystone. tomorrow, back to vail!!!

taking this time off from law school will probably be one of the best (and worst) ideas. its funny cuz thinking about it now, a lot of things are both best and worst. like dating a stripper. or bachelor parties. or getting a divorce.

definitely an oversimplification of each situation, but superficially, so true.

bla bla bla im buzzing in the mile high city. while trying to study for torts ii. fugggg!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Why am I such a (white) liar?

And why am I so good at it? hahaha....sometimes, people just can't handle the truth. so you gotta throw them a bone - a white lie, as we like to call them - in order to keep the world spinning.

On another note, I just got paid money, honey!!! $517 for my first paycheck from a law firm for 32.5 hours of work ($15/hr). time to get liquored up and hookered up! haha, just kidding. no really, 1/2 kidding? Here's to that hourly rate increasing infinitesimally throughout school and post-graduation.

Neways, not looking forward to April and definitely not May 1-10 because of finals. As a result, I pray to God to give me the concentration, dedication and commitment to see through all the distractions so that I can study hard and ace those exams.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I had two dreams last night:

Part 1: I was snowboarding at Keystone when a murder occurred. The police ended up recruiting me to help in the detective work because I found key evidence in support of apprehending the criminal. Kept doing my detective work , when BAM! i was snowboarding on the back side of some street.

Part 2: Day two of snowboarding, but without the murder. Just straight jumps and riding.

Too bad I had to wake up....

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring Break 2010

and here I am at home, studying for finals. i will be a lucky man if I still have a head full of hair by the time I graduate law school in 2012, because at the rate that I am worrying and pulling my hair out over things....I shouldn't have any by the end of this year.

And just what have I to worry about right now while on MY Spring break?
1) finals - the schedule during finals week is one exam on, one day off, another exam on, etc.. Except this time around, it doesnt look like I will have the privilege of making the library my home for more than 4 days before my first. this qualifies as a capital Shit, even when looking from this far up the road.

on the Scale of Big Shits, I give this one 4 Shits / 5 Shits (with the pressure building)

2) summer internshits- Alright, I am better than where I was a week ago. Two interviews down and one more to go on Friday.

So why is it then that I am worried? Cuz I was so intimidated by both the Judge and the GC during my interview. The Judge even told me to sit back and relax during my interview because of the bad ass vibe I gave.

I was more relaxed with the GC's interview, but here are two things I messed up on: in an attempt to cover up my failure to brush my teeth that morning, I ate a peppermint right before the interview.....and nearly choked on the damn thing as I swallowed it whole. Yes, I am Jack's brilliant half that failed to finish it (or spit it out) before the interview started.

I find out next week what the deal is on whether I get the clerkships, so until then....
3 Shits/ 5 Shits

- So this shit scale is representative of how many times I've said shit in my head about the described situation. It is necessary to describe anything and everything related to law school and life.

1 Shit/5 Shits is how I feel, for example, after finding out Tiger Woods cheated on his wife. Yes, short of total apathy, I couldn't give 2 shits about what is happening with that fool (Except that he make a comeback soon).
3 Shits/ 5 Shits is the pretty average sentiment of shitiness, i.e. it could be worst, it could be better, but i'll take it for what its worth- its like when you have to take the dog out for a walk when its 30 degrees. You just bite the bullet and take Fido outside, because there'll be a whole lot more shit to deal with if you don't.
whereas, 5 Shits/5 Shits means I'm about to pass a kidney stone and the biggest shit in my life. And you know how those feel. those one's 2 hours after an all-u-can-eat BBQ where you mouth a silent "O GOD" as your body tries to pass an octagon, cube and bowling ball through the circle hole. Ya, shit happens. and lest we actually remember how traumatic the experience was, it'll happen again.

Otherwise, I could give 2 shits about anything else right now. Oh and I told my parents that I temporarily hate my brother because he is an inconsiderate, valueless and ugly man-child. True story.

actually, how I really feel about my brother goes something like this: I deep down inside love the guy. He is my brother after all, and regardless of how I feel right now, would go to the ends of this world for him. BUT, he is currently the biggest douchebag I know that is 18 years of age and 5' 6" tall. He is inconsiderate- fails to call mom, knowing how much she worries about him. He is spoiled- expects food on the table, even though he (a) didn't call ahead letting us know he wanted dinner, and (b) came home at 11pm. He is selfish- I can't remember the last time he actually genuinely bought anyone in my family a gift. Here's the thing, I know he wasn't always this way, b/c he used to bring home gifts from those school gift shops. But even now that he has money from working, he fails to buy anyone in my family bday and xmas gifts, while spending $ on his friends comes 2nd nature to him. He lacks common sense - most recent example is when he gave his friend $30 for a one-way ride from school back home this spring break. who does that? especially when there were a total of 3 people in the car and it only costs $15 in gas for the one-way road trip up. total capital-F-bomb idiot.

so ya, I conditionally hate my brother and really do not look forward to spending my vacation in Hong Kong this summer with him. or anytime with him at all.

on that note, I couldn't even give ONE SHIT about my brother right now.

0 Shits / 5 Shits

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday night has rolled around again, and here are the things I have accomplished this past week:

- Reconnected with Karen; ended up getting a lot of good tips on legal internships and she has also volunteered to hook it up with an internship at a judge and for in-house counsel. I better not mess this up, and if this goes through, I will owe a lot of my future career in the legal industry to her. or at least a big favor in the future. To digress, this is how people with power and control gain even more power and control....because they are the creators of other people's destinies by offering help that can only be repaid through future servitude.

- Finished my research for my trial brief due on Tuesday. I AM SCREWED. Fifa 2010 is just too addicting right now and played that most of the weekend instead of writing my paper. plan for tomorrow- write my paper all day and skip school. i feel guilty now for being apathetic. I am Jack's desire to do better....

- On a side note, on a scale from 1 to 10, ive been averaging a 7 on happiness this semester. compared to last semester's 3, i'd say the trade off of not stressing over case briefs and such has been mildly worthwhile. actually getting to see my good friends and hanging out with my roommates more frequently has definitely opened my heart and mind. whereas last semester, i know I was quite selfish and minded my own business for so long. and what was to show except 2 B's and 3 C's? fck law school for that.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I am Jack's total disregard for school

instead of finishing my torts cases for tonight, i played fifa'10. and we played it with spanish commentary on. hahahaha its like watching an actual saturday afternoon soccer game on the spanish channel.

i had a mock interview today with a fella from The Crim Law Firm, P.C. The main partner's last name is "Crim". David Crim II. lol, you can not make this shit up, but the ironic part is his firm only does personal injury. he told me other interviewees have actually mistakenly said they were interested in this firm because it was a criminal defense firm. applicant FAIL.

I am Jack's cautious sense of hope -
after the interview, I was given a critique with an overall excellent rating. The only things he told me I need to improve on are:
1) Relate concrete examples of past experiences to the question
2) Ask more questions about the firm at the end of the i

its too bad this wasn't a real interview. at least I got his card and made a good impression.

note to self-
i also look good in a suit, but at the same time hate feeling constricted.